Back To School with Blenheims

Shopping carts are being filled with new notebooks and backpacks, meaning the first day of school is just around the corner! For the moms and dads that are pulling out the lunchboxes and thinking up new ways to quickly pack an exciting lunch, B & R Farms has you covered!
Apricot snacks are a great way to sneak a healthy serving of fruit into the lunch box of even the most picky of eaters. We’ve pulled together a few of our favorite ways to add a splash of orange to the kiddos’ lunch table this year and paired it with a week-long rotating sale. Here's the lineup:
- 8/14-8/16: Buy 2 Apricot Spreads (10 oz), Get 1 50% Off
- 8/17-8/18: Buy 2 Dark Chocolate Bites (8 oz), Get 1 50% Off
- 8/19-8/20: Buy 2 Slab Apricots (1 lb), Get 1 50% Off
Stock up and save, and then pull out those lunch boxes!
PB & ‘A’ Sandwiches
‘A’ is for Apricot! We all know you can’t go wrong with a classic PB&J, but add a twist to this kid favorite sandwich with B & R Farms Apricot Spread. Use it just as you’d use jelly for what's sure to be the new hit combo in your household. We highly recommend you make an extra for your work lunch too. ;)
Apricot Trail Mix
The best snacks are quick to make, but provide a boost of energy that lasts. That’s exactly what you’ll get with this trail mix that combines dried fruit, nuts, and seeds. Grab a bag of your favorite trail mix or make your own combination of nuts and seeds and combine it with B & R Farms Diced Apricots or Dark Chocolate Apricot Bites. It’s the perfect on-the-go snack for lunch boxes or for the afternoon carpool as you rush off to the next activity!
Sweet Beauties (Apricot Slabs)
Delicious like candy, but made with all the goodness of Blenheim Apricots, B & R Farms Sweet Beauties (Slabs) are the easiest, mess-free way to add a serving of fruit to your school lunches.
Wishing the best of luck to all the kids (and their parents!) headed off to the classroom this week!